Saturday, November 08, 2008

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (87): PMF


Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya menerima pesan elektronik mengenai hasil review dari salah satu “Bapak Blogger” Indonesia, A. Fatih Syuhud, terhadap Blawg saya yang berbahasa Inggris. Dalam tulisan singkatnya menyimpulkan bahwa saya berhak menyandang masuk dalam daftar lanjutan "Blogger Indonesia of the Week" yang ke-87.

Saya sendiri tidak dapat berkomentar banyak terhadap penilaian tersebut, karena saya menyadari dan menilai bahwa masih banyak rekan-rekan Blogger Indonesia yang seyogyanya lebih pantas mendapatkan apresiasi tersebut. Namun demikian, tetap wajib hukumnya bagi saya untuk mengucapkan untaian tulus rasa terima kasih kepadanya, karena secara tidak langsung Cak Fatih turut pula membangkitkan kembali ‘gairah’ menulis saya di dalam Blawg ini yang sempat surut.

Setidaknya, saya pun akhirnya menjadi tersadarkan bahwa pengunjung blog khusus hukum ini ternyata bukan hanya inklusif dari komunitas hukum saja, namun juga berasal dari berbagai latar belakang program pendidikan, baik yang memang disengaja berkunjung maupun yang kebetulan ‘mampir ‘ menjenguk blog ini.

Tentunya apresiasi yang dialamatkan kepada saya ini harus pula membawa perubahan yang berarti bagi saya, khususnya dalam “melayani” para pembaca untuk senantiasa memperoleh bahan bacaan yang lebih berisi, bermanfaat, ringan dan mudah dipahami oleh semua pihak.

Berikut ulasan yang disampaikan oleh A. Fatih Syuhud atas penganugerahan “Blogger of the Week (BOW)" terhadap Blawg saya. Semoga dapat juga menjadi bahan inspirasi bagi kita semua.

Salam Hangat dari München (Jerman),
Pan Mohamad Faiz

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (87): Pan Mohamad Faiz

Pan Mohamad Faiz is a visionary blogger and a man-of-principle personality, so to speak. He knows what he wants to do. When the first time I met him in my last-year stay in India in 2007 he asked me how to make a blog.

At the same time he insisted that he wanted to have a niche blog on law, his specialty, not a personal blog. He knows that a niche blog will not get a good traffic instantly but he is sure it will create faithful readers and, thus credibility to the blogger concerned. He wants his blog to emphasize on specific quality content. I couldn’t agree more with him.

Many new bloggers just want to make a blog with instant high traffic and many comments–like old timers. The absence of which will make them discouraged and then quit blogging. That’s why we saw many “drop-out” bloggers every now and then.

Faiz, as I used to call him, is the kind of blogger who care less to traffic of his blog or to the amount of comments he receives. He focuses more on how to write a good content vigorously. He doesn’t expect many comments nor many visitors, though he’ll be grateful if any. These are the keys for any blogger to survive and endure a long blogging experience without which you’ll find your blogging passion dissipates in a short span of time.

The Content

To know Faiz’s blog content is simple. Read his profile, and you’d immediately know what it is all about:

Pan Mohamad Faiz was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. After getting his Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) degree from Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, he received a Full Scholarship from ICCR to continue his advance study at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. On July 2008, he successfully graduated from University of Delhi (First Division Rank) with degree in Master of Comparative Laws (M.C.L.) specializing on Comparative Constitutional Law.

Presently he is a legal and constitutional law observer as well as an active op-ed writer in many National Newspapers and Journals. Moreover, he is appointed as a Judicial Administrative Assistance to Constitutional Justice at Constitutional Court of Indonesia. This Blawg (Law Blog) describes his strong thought about Law and other Social Sciences.

So, it’s clear that Faiz’s niche blog is about law. Both Indonesia and international law. This is what he wants to achieve: whenever you want to know about law, visit his blog. And whenever you want to talk about it, talk to Faiz. This is the advantage of having a niche blog and of being a “niche” blogger. []


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Selamat Mas Faiz. Walaupun saya jarang berkomentar, tapi blog ini cukup sering disinggahi karena tulisan2nya yang inspiratif dan memperluas wawasan saya mengenai masalah hukum. Sebuah blog selayaknya menampilkan tulisan yang berkualitas terlepas dari traffic yang seringkali menjadi tujuan semata. Salam.

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    luar biasa , selamat yaaa mas faizz.. ini memberi saya inspirasi untuk tidak menulis tulisan yg gak mutu , karena blog kita tidak hanya dibaca kita sendiri tapi orang lain
